Why innovative parking systems are replacing conventional underground car parks
When you get down to the detail, it is clear that our innovative parking solutions offer significant advantages over conventional underground car parks. Especially in terms of space and volume efficiency, material use, energy consumption, emissions and costs, there are significant differences. For one thing, our systems typically take up less space than conventional underground car parks. That is partly because conventional underground car parks often require additional levels with ramps and driving lanes to fit the same number of parking spaces on an equivalent floor area.
Conventional underground car parks also require additional space for technical installations such as ventilation, fire and safety systems. This also makes our parking systems less expensive overall than conventional solutions.
Maximise efficiency with parking systems
Why parking systems are the smart option
Opting for a parking system instead of a conventional underground car park brings significant material and labour savings, which, in turn, leads to a significant reduction in construction time and costs, as well as lower construction interest. The construction pit for a parking system can be completed more than 30 percent faster than for a conventional underground car park.
This will bring forward the start of construction of the building above, allowing work to be done on the building while the parking system is being installed. Working in parallel like this significantly reduces construction costs and interest.
Advantages of WÖHR car parking systems for the city of tomorrow
Our car parking systems offer some impressive ecological and economic advantages over conventional underground car parks.
- Space-saving construction reduces land consumption, preserves green spaces and minimises soil sealing
- Lower construction costs
- Lower CO₂ emissions as a result of less concrete and steel in the construction
- Use of fewer energy-intensive, environmentally harmful materials
- Fewer CO₂ emissions during operation due to less traffic cruising for parking and an optimised traffic flow
- Savings potential through the modular design
- More parking spaces can be offered on the same floor area